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Our Town Gwinnett Magazine: Feb 2021 Publishers Column

Ryan’s Remarks: Publisher’s Column

By Ryan Sauers

I have written countless columns over the years that are positive and encouraging. Each one has been written with my full heart. We are at a unique place in time as we enter the second month (February) of 2021. Let us not forget, however, that we live, work, worship, and play in an amazing community. I know now, more than ever, that our community represents the very best of America.

We know COVID-19 and the changes it has caused to our lives are unprecedented. I challenge you to find the best in this ongoing situation. We must be patient, caring, tenacious, innovative, loving, and supporting. We are ALL in this together. So, maybe we should think: How can we give back? How can we support those who are hungry or homeless? How can we support small business?

This is way bigger than any one person. It does not help anyone when we post things online that are negative and divisive. We must not grow weary but keep up the good fight. I promise you – we will prevail. And, if we do these things, then we ALL will be stronger for it.

This unique time in our history demands great leadership. Remember, anyone can be a leader, not just “people with titles.” I have seen a lot of leaders develop in the past year from all areas of my life. It has been great. We must remember the time we have on this earth (regardless of this virus) is short. Let us make it our passion to make others smile and laugh – even if from under a mask and six feet apart – and to be a breath of fresh air as we help and serve others.

Again, I encourage you to support small businesses during this time. They are the backbone of our country and community. Please find ways to help them. The changes in our lives have been real and seemingly going on for more than we can remember. However, we must not let this moment define us. Instead, we must define this moment. We will do so: one step at a time, one punch at a time, one round at a time.

Please remember that 100 years from now people will be talking about this time in history – our moment of time. The choice is up to us. How are we going to create the change we want to see? How are we going to teach younger generations what can be learned from this time? Is it possible we can all come together and UNITE? Maybe we can have real dialogue again and put our silly differences aside. This is not the time for Republicans or Democrats, but it is the time to come together and focus on our common humanity. We are all human beings made of flesh and blood.

So, keep your head up. This too shall pass. You cannot control some things that are happening; however, you can absolutely choose how you respond to them. This is your choice. Finally, thank you as always for being in our corner during this time. It means a lot to all of us. And thank you for continuing with us on the journey of my town, your town, Our Town.



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